A long story...
The story begins in 1912 in Martigné sur Mayenne. It is here that Albert Le Masne de Brons made his first traditional cheeses with milk from neighbouring farms.
In the 1930s, Stanislas and René de Vaubernier, then Alphonse and Léontine Drezen, successively took over the reins of the company. It was also at this time that the company changed its name to become the Vaubernier company.
Their son, Jean Drezen, soon joins them in managing the cheese dairy. He becomes director, along with his wife Claire, in 1983. He in turn passes the company to his daughters, especially Catherine, who directs it today and represents the 3rd generation.
Still independent
Our family-run, human-scale cheese dairy is still located on its original site, in the heart of the Mayenne countryside.
Every year, we collect 100 million litres of milk and we put all our expertise into practice to make our soft cheeses and butter. Our cheese dairy is one of the last independent producers of camembert in France and we intend to remain that way!